Monday, March 22, 2010

Holy Bananas

Wow, I haven't posted for a LONG time. - Takes a quick look at the sidebar - HOLY BANANAS! THIS BAD BOY IS OUTDATED! - Quickly updates it - OK, now where do I begin...

It was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.... duh duh duhhhh --- WAIT! Wrong music... Let's try this again...

Well, well, well. Runescape has been very kind to me since my last post. Based on the sidebar, I've gained roughly...77 levels :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I'm a little proud about that. I've completed quite a few more quests, but haven't been in a questing mood lately. Currently have 237 QP, but later tonight I'm going to attempt 4 "nooby" quests. Spirits of the Elid; Perils of Ice Mountain; Rune Mechanics; and Tears of Guthix. Felt like shortening my list to the beautiful Quest Cape :D That's my goal for the end of the year, by the way. I feel it is highly possible...

In other news... During Bonus XP, I got the highly coveted 68 Summoning...and yes, that means BUNNNYYIIIIPPPPP! And I named my Bunyip: Herming. I like it, even though it isn't a real name.

Well that's about it... Welcome me back to Runescape Blogging...

As for now...(Wow, there are many elpises [sp?] in this post...:p)